Christ has risen, He has risen indeed! If this video brings a smile to your face, please SHARE with others. I believe we could all use encouragement this Easter Sunday! Thank you everyone who made our virtual choir come to life as we celebrate Easter this year in an unconventional way. The truth of Jesus' resurrection still remains the same -- He has risen and therefore we will always have hope! Happy Easter! - Holly"So they asked Jesus, 'Do you hear what they are saying?' 'Indeed I do,' answered Jesus. 'Haven't you ever read this scripture? '"You have trained children and babies to offer perfect praise.'" (Matt. 21:16) Peacemakers Children's Choir: Directed by Holly Slice ( Special thanks to Shawna Edwards Music who wrote this incredible song! ( #shawnaedwardsmusic #lowcountrypianist #virtualchoir #eastersunday #hehasrisen
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